Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Well it FINALLY happened....Bryant lost his first tooth. He has been quite the determined kid, making sure he wasn't the "only six year old on the planet who hasn't lost a tooth yet"....his words, not mine. After weeks of wiggling and tugging, the little tooth that was hanging by a thread at last came out. Now we can all rest assured and not hear another word about it from our relentless six year old.

The following day Bryant was excited to find the tooth that he had left under his pillow was gone, and in it's place a note and $2. I asked him if he saw the tooth fairy that night. He said, "no... but I know that she's real and that it wasn't you that put the money under my pillow." When I asked him how he knew he said, "Because I got cash... you would have only given me a nickle." Glad to know my six year old thinks his mom is cheap.


Unknown said...

Not cheap, frugal!

Thompsons said...

lol. That is a cute story! Yay for bryant and loosing his first tooth!